714 Walbridge St
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Explore present and future developments within Kalamazoo with a tour and presentation
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Rivers Edge District Tour
Meet at Walbridge Common Building, located at 714 Walbridge Street
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM Travel to Azon, 643 W. Crosstown Pkwy (map)
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Rebekah Kik “Imagine Kalamazoo 2025” Presentation
Azon Auditorium, 643 W. Crosstown Pkwy
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM Food and networking at Azon
Tour: Walbridge Common Building
Rivers Edge District is undergoing an unprecedented revival into an eclectic mix of businesses, shops, restaurants and affordable apartments.
The area in northeast downtown is transforming from an industrial and warehousing district into a hip, cultural, residential, live-work-play community all within walking distance to the heart of downtown Kalamazoo.
Built in 1924 as a warehouse for the Kalamazoo Stationary Company the Walbridge Common Building is a long-time fixture of Kalamazoo’s North East Side. Constructed of concrete and brick with sweeping views of downtown, the iconic building begins it’s “new life” as home to 48 apartments and a restaurant further adding to the vibrant River’s Edge District. Other projects in the vicinity are the Ignertia Building and Norbridge Building by NoMI Developers, a company focused on creating vibrant communities with a mission of place-making, creating unique living opportunities alongside cultural venues and nightlife. For more information, visit http://riversedgedistrict.com/home.
Presentation: Imagine Kalamazoo 2015, by City of Kalamazoo City Planner, Rebekah Kik
Rebekah will speak about the Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 initiative, which is focusing on creating the strategic vision and updating the City of Kalamazoo Master Plan, helping to define the direction of our community for the next 10 years.
The Strategic Vision is the City’s guide to help shape all plans that are being created. It provides direction to anyone that is working in the city on projects and policies.
The Master Plan is a guide for land use regulation, development actions and decisions as well as public infrastructure to support land use activities. It is a mandated document for any community that has adopted a zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations and capital improvement programs. The Master Plan is used by the Planning Commission as required under Michigan Law. It provides a series of goals, objectives and recommendations that will guide the City of Kalamazoo’s decisions for years to come.
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