WIC Week 2016
The focus of WIC (National Association of Women in Construction) Week is to highlight women as a visible component of the construction industry. It is also a time for local chapters to give back to their communities.WIC Week also provides…
WIC Week 2017
The focus of WIC (National Association of Women in Construction) Week is to highlight women as a visible component of the construction industry. It is also a time for local chapters to give back to their communities. WIC Week also…
WIC Week 2015
The focus of WIC (National Association of Women in Construction) Week is to highlight women as a visible component of the construction industry. It is also a time for local chapters to give back to their communities.WIC Week also provides…
Block Kids 2016
Mark your calendar for the Block Kids local competition!The program is open to all elementary school children in grades Kindergarten through 6. Please use a registration form below to register your child.Block Kids registration form (PDF)⇓For further information, please contact:Myndi…
Block Kids 2015
Mark your calendar! We need judges, volunteers and sponsors. Volunteers and judges sign up here» More information about the event here» The program is non-discriminatory and as such is open to all elementary school children in Kindergarten through grade six…
Tour Pokagon Health and Wellness Center – May
Tour: Pokagon Health and Wellness Center - Presented by: 7GEN Architects & Engineers See construction gallery Joint meeting NAWIC, AIA and ASCE Opened in the fall of 2014, the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians has built part of its heritage…