643 West Crosstown Parkway
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Gather 5:00 PM
Program 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM
Dinner 6:30 PM
Guests: 6:45 PM Kathi Dobson and Anne Pfleger, CIT are
both Region 4 Director Candidates. They will
introduce themselves and talk about why they
wish be your next Region 4 Director.
Please remember to bring your camera.
Getting the message out about the good things we are building in southwest Michigan is important
for the construction industry and related businesses—especially as our companies grow.
If you have been handed a digital camera and are charged with shooting photos for
your employer—or you have taken an interest in improving your photography skills for your
own pleasure—this is one meeting you won’t want to miss.
John will share the basic principles of portrait, presentation, meeting
and work environment photography with any type of camera.
About the instructor
John Lacko is primarily an editorial photographer based in Kalamazoo
who specializes in photojournalism, sports, performance and environmental portraiture.
John won the 2010 Golden Word Award as the Communicator of the Year
from the local communication group, InterCom.
John is the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra and Gilmore Keyboard Festival photographer.
He also teaches group and private classes through Norman Camera.
Some of John’s clients include; Kalamazoo Gazette, Western Michigan University,
Educational Community Credit Union, Southwest Michigan First, Kalamazoo College,
Zuma Press, local public relations firms, Lambrix Design and New York Times.