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Tour: Landscape Forms

April 22, 2015 @ 5:15 pm – 8:00 pm
431 Lawndale Avenue
Galesburg, MI 49053
Juliana Garner

April 22 is Earth Day. With roots in the landscape and a stated purpose to “Enrich Outdoor Spaces,” Landscape Forms has a special relationship to the natural environment.
A plant tour is a great way for us to observe Earth Day!

For more than 40 years Landscape Forms has been producing site furniture and accessories
that help designers and other clients create a sense of place in outdoor environments.
The Kalamazoo-based company works with landscape architects, and designers to create products that address emerging needs while making stewardship of the environment a vital part of their business practices.

Join our chapter for a plant tour and dinner afterward provided by host, Landscape Forms.

Please RSVP now!

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